School has been ruling our lives for the past few weeks, as we prepare for our foundation show on the 16th. Christian is finished, but because I was sick and out of school for three weeks I am still finishing. Tomorrow I will be finished.
In other news, this morning I woke up at 7 and went into the bathroom and noticed a piece of fluff on the floor by the tub. It was unusually large, and because we've been having some house spider invasions my paranoia came into action and I leaned closer to inspect it. It was a dying, spider/centipede. It was a pretty large insect that I've never seen before, at first glance it looked like a caterpillar, but with the legs of a spider- so I decided that it was a spentipede. It was pretty much dead, it was lying on it's back and wiggling it's legs slowly in circles. I trapped it under a glass and went back to my room to finish writing an essay. Throughout the day I would return to the bathroom, tap on the glass and nudge it with the cup, and I was sure the end was near. About mid-day, I went back and noted the time of death, as it was completely still as I lifted the cup off the floor. I kept it under the glass for the rest of the day, had a shower in the bathroom with it and so on. Around dinner time I went to the bathroom to check on it and it was alive again, back from the dead. I think it was also pretty upset from the way it was punching the sides of the cup. Anyway, I noticed that it had lost 4 legs and they were in a pile in the centre of the cup. I wanted to identify it, so I went online only to discover that it was a Scutigera Coleoptrata: a house centipede. It eats spiders and other bugs, can run 1.3 mph and it stings.. but only when provoked. Here is a picture of a Scutigera:

Disgusting, yes. Anyway, I'm slightly concerned that there are more in our house somewhere, namely in my bedroom, in my sheets. I'll post a picture of the real guy soon, I fed him some leaves and put a bottle cap of water in his cage (the cup on the bathroom floor). I think the steam from the shower revived him. I also think that I'm going to cast him in resin, you know... make an example of him for the other bugs, make some jewelry out of it. Tomorrow I'm going to catch a bug for it to eat.