Sunday, September 5, 2010

Starfish & Seafinks

Christian and I were itching to go adventuring the other night, so we rode our bikes down to the ocean, climbed down over some rocks and plopped our feet in the chilly water. What we found was amazing, incredible, shocking, hilarious, and cool.

We found out that Christian is actually a SeaFink. The lesser known twin brother of Rat Fink, the LandFink.

We also found... giant purple starfish! Christian was scared to touch them, and he was also crying because his feet were cold, so I plucked some out of the water and introduced myself.

We also saw a teeny tiny little baby jellyfish, that was only slightly bigger than the little jelly in Finding Nemo. AND, we saw multiple seals. I tried to call them over but to no avail, as usual.
It was a good adventure and we caught a stunning sunset over the city on the ride home.

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