I must preface this belated post with an apology. It has been too long. There have been many 'ventures since we last spoke and I'll do my darnedest to get you all caught up.
This challenge I must tackle solo, for my friend Christian has quite literally, deserted me. Yes, you've guessed it... Christian has left for Ethiopia. Something to do with bicycles, I don't really know.
Consequently, my diet has been reduced to pure sugar. Also, while my projected productivity levels looked to increase during his absence, they instead have significantly decreased. Now I spend my time eating candy for every meal, reminiscing about the 'good ol' days', taking naps and playing sad songs on homemade instruments.
Just kidding- although the candy statement is close to true, and I often reminisce... I did have a nap today.. Okay, so those are all truths. Let's be honest here.
I'll take this moment to direct your attention to the title of this post, "Twenty One".
There is this myth that circulates through some of the older Huizenga brothers, that is- anything of any importance, that can be counted or assigned some numerical value, is always.. magically & mystically 21.
I have tried my best to ignore and denounce this fallacy by pointing out, "Look, it's not 21 o'clock!", or "I'm not holding 21 pieces of candy corn!", and the like. Today, much to my dismay.. 21 is staring me right in the face.
Today is the 21st day that Christian has been away.
In 21 days he will in Uxbridge.He won't be able to contact me for 10 days, which will be on the 21st of the month.
And he is 21 years old.
Twenty One. Incredible.
More to come, here's a teaser.
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